Friday, April 30, 2010

Time for T?

graphite & putty eraser, with watercolour/30x20cm

Representing, via the drawing process, one of the more intriguing shapes into which the found 'roadkill' has been reformed - crumpled, folded & flattened, with significantly altered surface qualities & additional textural dimensions - barely recognizable from what previously was, a new kind of aesthetic object altogether.


Elvis Costello 'Girls, Girls, Girls'
Jesca Hoop 'Hunting My Dress'
Geraldine Fibbers 'The Hut Recordings'


Jazz said...

I marvel at your continued dedication to the tinned roadkill series - this one, I think, has a relvolver-esque quality in its crushed contortion. I presume that these are, with the others, 'life size' - and I notice curiously that they continue to deny any sense of perspective when drawn from life.

James Rowley said...

Thanks for your considered comment, Jazz.
The 'roadkill', in its found form, just happens to be the gift that keeps giving, there always seems to be available subject/object matter that continues to demand scrutiny, although the ongoing project is equally the enforced product of a lack of time & space to engage with a more expansive body of work.
One sees exactly what you mean in terms of the suggestion of a revolver, although there might also be something of a discarded pants-like quality!

All representations are, indeed, life size - the object is in fact traced around twice, once in erased form, the other to form the outline to be 'filled-in' to the right.

The lack of perspective is the result of the object lying directly below my gaze, about 15" away, upon the page of the sketchbook on which I'm drawing as it rests on my lap.