Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another Found Object

But a matter of moments after encountering the 'incongruous fruit' as documented immediately previously, another example of the familiar aluminium can 'roadkill' was found thus upon a curving stretch of the famed local phenomenon of the 'double black lines' road markings, & photographically framed accordingly...

A slight shift in position then allows the 'roadkill' to be depicted within a pictorial space that incorporates another compositional element in the slightly darker-toned area of patched road surface to the right: such a feature also performs an historical & 'narrative' function, of course, providing visual evidence of alterations made to the original (at least as visible) surface, in addition to the temporal layering of the 'black' over 'black' over yellow paint of the markings...

whilst the rust-patinated surface of the compressed can (a natural element amidst the manufactured whole of the 'picture' as framed, & also a concentrated focus of colour within the overall subtly-modulated monochrome) also suggests the action of time, in conjunction with the elements, upon the object...

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