Monday, February 21, 2011

It's a Wrap (Sort of)...

It's long been a vague intention to at some stage follow up the series of photographs taken of a batch of wrapped & jacketed Chinese 'Ya' or snow pears - & blogged here back in the early days of TOoT (indeed, before it was even known as, when operations were concerned with irregular musings upon 'The Life Aesthetic...') - with further representation & exploration of more of such objects in the form of drawing.

Quite possibly as a result of the habitual September sequence of pear drawings/watercolours being then followed by the short, seasonally-curtailed series of drawings of blank, crumpled sheets of white paper (as may be found in the October & November 2010 archives), such an intention seemed to rise towards the surface of general consideration towards the end of last year & into this, as something of a little new departure & yet maintaining & indeed re-establishing contact with long-abiding concerns.

Alas, a local source of such exquisite aesthetic objects has this time proved elusive (the greengrocers from whom the originals had been sourced having some time ago 'left the building', as it were), so, some nude pears having been purchased elsewhere (an intimate pair of which have already featured in a recent study), a couple were recently lightly & loosely (or, perhaps, rather cack-handedly) wrapped (as one might appreciate) in white tissue paper for the purposes of modelling thus, against a white ground observed, as pretty habitually, contre-jour, in the interests of the familiar tonal exploration of what might in such an example be termed the 'un-whiteness of white', with also hints of veiled colour showing through in places:

graphite, coloured pencil & putty eraser/30x20cm

Obviously, for such a body of work to develop as a properly intensive aesthetic study of the subject-object matter, much greater rigour would need to be exercised from the very beginning of acquiring or creating the appropriate models, but perhaps such is at least a start, & presents a possibility...

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