Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Sound of Music

Presenting the latest essential acquisition to the new home, a very much desired 1960s record player, this time successfully acquired from ebay (from one of the lovely sellers offering a 'Buy it now' option, thus bypassing the lottery of the hated auction process) after being previously thwarted.

So, a jolly nice & stylish Ferguson portable model in perfect working order & with excellent sound, just the very thing with which to reacquaint the ears with the particular qualities & delights of vinyl, some of the latest additions to the growing-again collection of which are also pictured, including Galaxie 500’s wonderful ‘This Is Our Music’ (poetry in motion, indeed), thus able to be heard for the first time in this format, which sounds very much at its best (the guitars seem so much more up front, somehow), as intended. ‘Today’, also featured, was indeed the only one of the band’s albums I ever owned & heard on vinyl back at the time the records were contemporary (the other two were bought on cassette, for the purposes of portability), a situation now fully rectified by the acquisition also – presented, as ‘Today’, most kindly by A – of ‘On Fire’, the wonders of each of which are refreshed by being heard on vinyl, with its more organic, analogue warmth & roundness of sound.

Happy days.

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