Showing posts with label Scott Hunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Hunt. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mark Making

Today the opposite of tomato is (was) Goldfrapp's live radio performance of 'A & E'

Another particularly ‘photographic’ source, with its sharp-focus/blur dynamic, has provided the material for this transcription, with the drawn marks on the face acting as further irresistible incentive. It’s once more intriguing how, removed from its original context, the image takes on another narrative dimension & allows the imagination to weave in & out of it.

original source: ‘The Times’ 10/03/08

An artist working in the medium of drawing who imaginatively constructs intriguing narratives, from details chosen from found old photographs, is Scott Hunt. His charcoal drawings are technically beautiful & the juxtapositions he makes of originally banal subject matter create images that are sometimes humorous, sometimes unsettling & often both, recreating a world of his own both readily recognisable & redolent of a mythologized idyllic past yet strange & unfamiliar. There’s an interview with him about his work & methods here.

Scott Hunt 'Gilding the Lily' 2007
charcoal on paper


‘Test Match Special’
Sigur Ros ‘Takk’
The Delgados ‘The Great Eastern’
Charlotte Gainsbourg ‘5:55’