Saturday, February 16, 2008

Today the opposite of tomato is ‘Nude as the News’

Another source image coincidentally chosen. Thursday evening brought the final instalment of Andrew Graham-Dixon’s ‘The Art of Spain’ TV series, most interestingly featuring Goya, Picasso, Miro & Gaudi: there‘s always more to learn, or a new angle to appreciate, particularly in the company of such an enthusiastic & erudite writer & presenter. One opinion that proved thought-provoking was that much of Spanish modern art has endured & seems fresh today because it incorporates & retains a quality of the mysterious, being spiritually underpinned as a product of its wider culture. Aside from the art, however, at one point of the programme, a rooftop linking shot featured city traffic below, observed at dusk, closely replicating the appearance of one of the ‘possible’ newspaper photographs from this year’s archive. Hence…

Again, there’s much working back into the layered tones with an eraser & an attempt to subvert the deliberate mark-making process with a suggestion of speeding forms, more abstract than figurative.

original source: The Guardian 21/01/08

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