Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Today the opposite of tomato is the films of Mike Leigh

graphite & putty eraser/30x20cm
original source: 'The Guardian Film & Music' 18/04/08

Again this drawing was transcribed from an original source exhibiting a particular photographic trait - the capturing of a fleeting human facial expression, a frozen moment in time. Additionally, the expressive potential of the hands is also present(ed) in this image.

Even in an age when photography is readily available as source material to visual artists, figures seen smiling or laughing, for example, seem relatively seldom to be used as subject matter in drawing or painting. Prior to photography, such examples were even more rare, this painting by Vermeer featuring a smiling woman being one of very few: Rembrandt produced a fascinating series of self portrait engravings featuring a range of facial expressions.

Vermeer 'Officer & Laughing Girl'
oil on canvas 1658


Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds 'Best of'
Lambchop 'Aw, C'mon', 'No, You C'mon' & 'Damaged'
Belle & Sebastian 'Fold Your Hands Child...'

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's really interesting I'd never thought about it before!

I've just tagged you for a meme... hope you have fun doing it!