Tuesday, January 31, 2012

...Plus One

Today the opposite of tomato is the meaning of life, the universe & everything...

Despite the previous reservations expressed about the potential & purpose of pursuing the drawing of blanks again, a recent find of a small sheet of paper, retrieved last Friday evening from a restaurant floor, proved too enticing not to consider as suitable subject-object matter &, consequently, for active contemplation through the drawing process over the course of the weekend.

graphite & putty eraser/30x20cm

Again, the folding & crumpling to which the paper has been subjected transform it into more of a three-dimensional object than it presents in its ‘pure’, unadulterated state, its creased, undulating surface catching the play of the natural daylight passing across it, creating highlights & falling into shadow.
The printed number 43 - which compromises the integrity of the page’s ‘blankness’, of course - suggests the sheet formerly formed part of a pad, from which is has been torn, & might also provide something of a correspondence with examples of visual art employing numerals as nothing more significant than a formal device, not least those of our old friend Jasper Johns, particularly in the unassuming, impersonal nature of the font used.


Belle & Sebastian 'Write About Love'
Moon Wiring Club 'Somewhere a Fox is Getting Married'
K-Punk 'The Metaphysics of Crackle'

A return too for another of TOoT’s old favourite features & a corking little soundtrack to boot – finally catching up, belatedly in the (mostly) habitual fashion (although there’s late & there’s absurdly so), with ‘Write About Love’, which proved most entertaining &, on first listen at least, provided the usual Belle & Sebastian tingle during ‘The Ghost of Rockschool’; being drawn ever more deeply into the dark & brooding recesses of the Moon Wiring Club’s commemorative ‘celebrations’, & experiencing some more metaphysical interference via K-Punk’s mixtape.

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