Thursday, August 06, 2009

It Seemed So Fitting In Its Way...

Today, the purposeful potterings brought a wonderfully serendipitous roadside find, along the course of the local double black lines markings, of the type that one simply couldn't make up or mock up.

Photographed exactly as found, the 'roakill' in this particular instance, deviating from the habitual aluminium drinks cans, is a representation of a knitted woollen puppet, recognized as being one of a group featured in a series of TV advertisements for the Vauxhall Corsa car, of the usual grimly-fascinating kind: a little light internet research has unearthed the fact that it is actually the character 'White' of the fictional pop band 'The C'mons/C.M.O.N.S', which itself might have been created purely for the purpose of the ads. Given also that these characters appear to indulge in a spot of car-jacking in at least one of the ads, it seems somehow rather appropriate that one of their number should be hoist by its own petard, as it were...

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