Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mark-Making on a Found 'Drawing' #3

Continuing to photographically record the progress of the grease stains made by a found Hula Hoop upon a found photocopy 'drawing', with evidence of the latest mark uncovered/discovered as the object is repositioned from its most recent resting place within the composition...

As might be observed, particularly in close-up, this latest addition actually takes the form of a group of three closely-related but separate marks, covering a smaller area than previously, bringing a new dimension to the composition - the 'drawing', 'painting', whatever - & suggesting that perhaps the process of seepage of moisture from the potato-based object is now beginning to slow.

Note too the complex arrangement of shadows cast by a combination of natural & artifical sources of light as they appear fixed in the photograph (encountered in real physical space & time, such shadows are fugitive, of course, changing in response to the viewer's position relative to the object of photocopy & Hula Hoop), in this particular somewhat echoing the forms of the grease marks, albeit slightly lighter in tone for the most part...

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