Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Telling It Like It Is...

A morning stroll along a lane in farming country today resulted in a written find of a nature most appropriate, specifically, to a description of recent progress here at TOoT &, generally, to the preferred, prevailing approach to life & the contemplative engagement with, more conducive to the meditative concentration upon the creative process, not least of course that of looking & drawing as exhibited hereabouts...

The viewer might appreciate that, unlike officially-painted advice notices of such nature that might be found upon tarmac road surfaces (notice also how such such a find, then, is maintaining a certain integrity with the whole 'roadkill', 'double black lines' project, the photographic recording of such found incidents upon tarmac roads, that had continued, until the recent physical relocation of operations, on frequent occasions almost since the blog's inception), the script here has, in perhaps a counterpoint to its message, a more hastily drawn, rough-hewn quality, spray-painted as it has been, a personal touch & take upon a generic theme.


A said...

Whereupon you also chanced upon another 'TOot-le' too x

James Rowley said...

If only I'd've enticed him home - he was a suitable candidate for the role...


RFR Studio said...

I like this - it reminds me of a recently re-tarmacked piece of road,near us - that was left unfinished and without any markings, to the point of danger,which now has a sign put up along it reading "Danger, no road markings".
So that´s alright then.
When are you going to follow my blog?
love, her Excelencia, the Earl Grey Senhora. x