Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mark Making

Following on from the previously posted photographs of the found Hula Hoop, today brings evidence of interesting developments in the field of mark making, by said object itself.

Rescued from its resting place on the floor in the room where it was found, the Hoop was then placed, for safe-keeping & some vague, unformed possibility for further use/study, upon a piece of A4 paper, not blank but, rather, a 'blank' photocopy that has recorded no image other than the pattern of marks upon the inside of the lid of the machine during the copying process, a 'found drawing' (within the environment of the daily workplace) of the like that was presented here at TOoT, coincidentally around this time last year.

Subsequently, over a period of days, & subject to slight inadvertent shifts in its position within its 'safe place' (on the horizontal), this potato-based manufactured object was discovered to have left a series of greasy marks upon &, indeed, through the sheet of paper, creating a collection of darker-toned shapes thus, photographed with the Hula Hoop now purposely positioned upon, composed within, the 'picture plane', as might be observed from a couple of angles, the first from a horizontal approach...

& then from more directly overhead...

Observed in close up, the grease marks can be seen in the context of the overall composition of the network of subtle, regularly-spaced dots upon the surface of the sheet of paper & the bolder horizontal line bisecting them that form the photocopied & printed elements of the 'drawing', with the Hula Hoop object itself adding a sculptural dimension to the whole & casting shadows that add darker-toned forms which relate to the marks of the grease stains, although the former of course are fugitive, their existence & precise position at any point dependent upon the prevailing light source(s) & the viewer's physical relation to the 'work'/'drawing'/object...

As is habitual, a context for such a '(sculptural) drawing' suggested itself, in the form of a particular(ly intriguing & unusual) painting of Euan Uglow's, with its self-explanatory title, which (re)presents as its subject matter similar oily marks/sweat stains as have occurred as the result of a body resting in a particular position upon a horizontal plane...

Euan Uglow 'Still Life With Model Marks' 1971-72
oil on canvas on panel/16" x 40"

The context & reason for such marks having been made/left might then be observed in Uglow's contemporaneously companion 'Summer Picture', where the position of the human model & the points at which her body comes into contact with the horizontal surface upon which she rests clearly relate to the painting featuring the marks:

Euan Uglow 'Summer Picture' 1971-72
oil on canvas/43" x 43 1/2"

It's very interesting & inspiring to be able to read, within 'The Complete Paintings' (an essential reference resource & treasured volume of the research-&-development library), Uglow's comments as reported, of his appreciation of the beauty of the empty table & the marks upon its surface, contemplated, studied closely ('stared at for hours') after the model had departed sessions, & of such being "one of the reasons for wanting to paint something".

Another, later painting of Uglow's similarly features the evidence of departed bodies/objects (although in this particular instance, the marks made are more lightly toned than the horizontal surface upon which they were once at rest), in this small-scale still life, its title again self-explanatory:

Euan Uglow 'Two Others Have Been There' 1992
oil on board/7 1/4" x 7"

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