Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Back in the 'Compression Chamber'...

graphite & putty eraser/30x20cm

Returning after a short hiatus to the series of 'stilled life' diptych drawings processed from the subject/object matter of found 'roadkill' aluminium cans, with this particular example of 'Readymade Cubism' having been compressed & reformed into a state where it 'archetypically' displays both a compositional sequence of overlapping angular planes & a synechdochal fragment of its brand identity that should offer sufficient information to enable the viewer to imaginatively reconstruct the whole or at least an approximation of.

As has become the recent working habit, the drawing was processed with reference to both the flattened object itself & an 'aesthetically distanced' photocopy. The ground was inspired by & is thus intended to reference a particular form of multi-directional mark-making associated with Jasper Johns, in the interests of creating more surface activity.


Robert Wyatt 'His Greatest Misses'
Belle & Sebastian 'The Life Pursuit'

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